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Sunday, January 2, 2011

December 31, 2010 - Reflections

141 pounds. Well, it seems like this past year was a bit of a roller coaster ride. My diet kind of fell apart after a vacation in August. I hovered around the upper 130's for about three months afterward. Lately, I've gone past that mark.

The contributing factors: bread, pizza, beer, temporary lack of interest for veggies. Carbs are not my friends. They FEEL so good, though! I knew this, but now I have the actual proof and must somehow either put them out of my mind completely or put some extreme moderation in place. It's a change in mind set and circumstances.

Aside from the vacation, there were other factors. In June, I secured full-time employment for three months. With my job, I found myself starving when I got home and too tired to cook proper meals. Hence, more than the occasional trip to the drive-thru and local restaurants.

The plan going forward: cut back and eat right starting Monday. I know it's not advised to go on a low calorie diet without the hCG injections. But, I'm willing to try it for a week to get myself started. I won't restrict myself to 500 calories, but somewhere between 500-1000. I'll eat the recommended food from the diet. If this doesn't work, makes me sick or I find I just can't do it, I'll buy the remaining items necessary to start another round of true hCG dieting. I don't have that much to loose, and I'm grateful that I haven't gained back everything I lost.

Overall, I think the hCG diet was a positive influence over my life. It gives me the confidence to start again in a new year and move closer to my goals. I was slightly disappointed that losing the weight didn't reduce my high blood pressure. It must not be as simple as that. So, I vow to get myself into a doctor's office in 2011 and address that issue. And, I also plan to be more active in 2011. I'll start with brisk walking at least every other day. Once my kid learns to ride a bike, we'll take bike rides throughout our neighborhood and beyond.I'll have to structure my days due to my schedule and on-call status. Plus, I must now watch the stock market since I'm committed to being a more informed and better trader. I've made some mistakes, but am learning from them. My better trades clearly out number the mistakes. As far as diet and health go, no more excuses!!! That includes the weather.