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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 20 ~ Hitting a Slight Brick in the Wall

143.5 lbs. I've seen this number before. Well, I guess I'm getting better at ordering while going out to eat. Chicken and salad seems to do the trick. I've got one more dinner out later this week.

Long work day ahead of me. It's been done before and I'll do it again.

Today I've experienced some abdominal pain. It started out as pain in the inner tops of my legs. The only way I can equate this is if you'd been riding a horse for about 10 hours your legs would hurt like this. Before noon the pain had moved up to my pelvic area and I was moving pretty slowly, which wasn't a good thing in my job. I didn't know what to think.  It felt much better when I sat down. 

When I got home all I wanted to do was eat and go to bed with a heating pad. I did end up taking 800mg of Ibuprofen to ease the pain. I know I read somewhere that I could take aspirin in certain cases, but I couldn't locate the passage in the book.

I looked up the section on fibroids and hoped that I don't have a tumor. I know I have some small fibroids. The book says that once you lose the abnormal fat in the belly and the innerds start resting on the pelvic wall you might get some irritation by any fibroids.

I drank more water and went to bed, hoping to feel better tomorrow.

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